The name "rebekah's tape" was taken from a cassette of dingy noise-art-weirdness Mike, Shawn, and Dustin made in 1998 for a friend named Rebekah. This fruited to a live band operation, which for the most part played a sort of psychedelic, dreamy, experimental-yet-accessable noise rock. (At times they would alternately create and play ridiculous and somewhat childishly stupid sorts of "fun"/comedy songs.) From 1998 to 2009 Rebekah's tape aspired to make music and other arts as creatively as possible, attempt to avoid cliches, attempt to be as honest as possible, attempt to be as pleasantly funny as possible, and attempt to eat lots of fiber to prevent colon problems. Thanks to everybody who was there & had the fun with us. 2012: ALL REBEKAH'S TAPE RELEASES NOW AVAILABLE DIGITALLY FOR CHEAP! INDICATIVE RETROSPECTIVE VIDEO COLLAGE: REBEKAH'S TAPE IS ARCHAEOLOGY: JUNE 3, 2011: REBEKAH'S TAPE IS O.O.'S FIGHTIN' BIRTHDAY BEAR DVD and REBEKAH'S TAPE IS PREGNANT E.P. (free download) NOW AVAILABLE !!!! Download the e.p. for free and click that Fightin' Birthday Bear for the Paypal action and getcha one right now before it's too late and you're doomed along with the rest of humanity!!!!!! to contact rebekah's tape email Mike: lipswater at g mail dot com WE STILL HAVE SHIRTS 4 SALE!!! DRAWING BY SHAWN CUMMINGS! |