hi there! please experience as much listening joy as you like here on this page.
Currently (August 2010) our mp3s are not streaming correctly, and we can't figure out why. They only seem to want to play for a second or two and pretend that's all there is to the sample. -So we suggest that what you do to hear the full sample or full song of your choice is to 1.right click on the text link to the chosen mp3, 2. choose "save link as", 3. select a location on your computer to save the mp3, and 4. download that sucker, and hear more than a second or two of the sample! We apologize for this inconvenience and hope to figure out a solution soon.
some ear-spackled nifty-bobs (full-blown):
FULL LENGTH MP3'S!!! 4 of 'em |