The second, more swallowable dish of r. tape sporadicism.
Still being semi-overtly noisy-ish, ‘happy happy..’ has a fair amount of
poppy flops. “Downstairs” is a silly song about monsters in the basement,
-quite straight forward in contrast to most gibberish from years ago. No
noise, no yelling, no tampons duct taped to shawn’s armpits. “The me nobody
knows” is lulling dreamyness titled after a touching book compiling personal
writings of ghetto children. “Zit farm”, (‘pus field’ - misspelled 'p-u-s-S') in the tape folder), is a
self-depreciatory, thoughtful meditation on acne. (“PUS FIELD: THAT’S WHAT
YOUR FACE IS!”) “Brigitte bats” is a little girl talking about spray
painting a bat and then levitating to the closet to get a shirt. “Hello?” is
a strange thing that was found on mike’s answering machine. This tape (now
also on CD) is a pretty digestible little splat of glop. At least satan
thinks so. r-tape homepage